The ISO 9001 standard is a Quality Management System (QMS), it can be used by any organization, large or small, regardless of the field of activity. The basis of the standard is a number of quality management principles, including a lot of attention paid to the consumer, motivation and involvement of senior management, a process approach and continuous improvement. Using ISO 9001 ensures that consumers receive products and services of consistently good quality, which in turn will bring many benefits to the enterprise.
The standard is universal. All requirements of this international standard are of a general (universal) nature and are intended for use by all organizations, regardless of the type, size and supplied products or services provided.
Such a flexible approach requires the organization to take into account the specifics associated with such aspects as products, services, research, the complexity of technological and business processes, the competence of staff and management staff. As a result, different organizations may have different ways and means of meeting the requirements of the standard.
The international standard ISO 9001 was developed by the international organization ISO, which is located in Switzerland, Geneva. Today this standard is applied in 170 countries of the world, including Uzbekistan.
Advantages of using the international standard ISO 9001:
- Increase the profit of the enterprise with the help of a competently constructed management system
- Increasing staff employment and increasing labor productivity compared to enterprises that do not have international certificates for management systems;
- Savings in energy and material consumption
- Reduced resource allocation costs
- Improving the image among inspectors, consumers and the public
- Entering the international market
- Attracting foreign investment and loans
- Competitive advantage in state and international tenders
- The presence of a management system according to ISO 9001 helps testing laboratories in passing accreditation.
Companies that have ISO certificates gain the trust of partners and consumers, as well as improve their image. The introduction of advanced international standards allows us to provide services not only in the Republic of Uzbekistan, but also around the world.
The sequence of works on the implementation of the QMS in accordance with the international standard ISO 9001:
- Creation of a working group, determination of its authority and staff;
- Development of a schedule for the implementation of the QMS;
- Definitions of the area and boundaries of the QMS;
- Appointment of a Representative of the QMS Manual;
- Selection of organizations providing consulting services regarding the implementation of the QMS;
- Definitions of the organizational structure of the QMS.
According to the results of the implementation of the international standard ISO 9001, enterprises can receive an international certificate to enter the international level.
For interested enterprises, we are ready to conduct a FREE SEMINAR where we can highlight the procedure and principles of the project for the development, implementation and certification of management systems and answer all your questions.
You can also make an appointment at any time convenient for you, where we can discuss possible ways of cooperation!
Best regards and deepest respect,
The Smart Management LLC staff!
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